Brian O’Keefe receives certification in FSPCA Preventative Controls for Human Foods

Our entire team at Dan and Debbie’s Creamery  is proud to announce that Brian O’Keefe, a production team member at the creamery was awarded certification for completion of the Food Safety Preventative Controls Alliance’s Preventative Controls for Human Food.

The Food Safety Preventive Control Alliance (FSPCA) is a certification program that is recognized by the FDA as a curriculum to support Preventive Control Qualified Individuals. This course is designed to provide knowledge on how to create a FDA Food Safety Plan that complies with the Hazard Analysis and Risk-based Preventive Controls for Human Foods rule.

“We are proud to provide this community with our farm fresh dairy products and will continue to do our due diligence to produce the safest most delicious products out there” Dan Takes, owner.

  • Posted by Josie Rozum
  • On November 8, 2017